

the california crown

16.1 miles / 3,900ft+ / $9,000 purse / sunday - Sep 21

9:40am elite women’s only / 10:00am elite men + masses

pristine singletrack

meander through dense forest, over rocky terrain, soft pumice, and along beautiful alpine trails




kiss the California sky

as you top out at 11,053ft

celebrate with friends and family

a lively village full of community, music, and food!

  • unique single loop course with no out and backs or reused trail

    follow ORANGE flags, ribbons, and directional signs. there will also be WRONG WAY signs at critical junctions

    3,800ft+ vertical gain. Average elevation over 9,100ft; Low 8,050ft, high 11,053ft

    mix of buttery singletrack, rocky technical trails, soft pumice trails, limited bike path and access roads

    high altitude challenge that will be most enjoyed with proper preparation and training

    full course description here

  • 4 fully stocked fully stocked aid stations with typical sweet and salty snacks, fruit, water, and GU Energy products to keep you energized

    GU PRODUCTS - subject to change

    GU Roctane Energy Drink: Summit Tea or Grape

    GU Roctane Gels: Sea salt chocolate, Cherry Lime, Lemonade

    GU Chews: Blueberry Pomegranate

    GU Stroopwafels: Salty’s Carmel

    GU Electrolyte Capsules

    generous 7 hour cutoffs to promote participation from all abilities- 94.7% finish rate in 2022! details on cuttoffs in table below

  • top 5 female/male awarded cash prize as follows:

    F1/M1: $1,500

    F2/M2: $1,200

    F3/M3: $900

    F4/M4: $600

    F5/M5: $300

    top 3 female/male runners in each 10 year age group awarded unique gift

    age groups: 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

    overall awards will be given Sunday 9/21 3:30pm on Village Plaza stage

    all runners are subject to random drug testing and specifics on race day testing can be found on our drug testing page

Click maps to download GPX file

queens and kings of mammoth

village start

mountain shred

village finish

unique 16.1 mile single loop course